Thursday, October 28, 2010

Run, Angels, Run!

Cancer. Radiation. IV lines. Insurance deductibles. Your child may die. Imagine being a parent who is instantly plunged into the nightmare of caring for a seriously ill child while navigating through a sea of medical procedures and insurance regulations. Such is the case for the parents of Carly Trejo, who attends Kindergarten at Spanish Schoolhouse and is a schoolmate of my daughter Macy. Carly was recently diagnosed with Stage 4 kidney cancer, also called Wilms tumor.

For Carly's family, this life-altering event has included a huge financial burden. The children and parents in her Kindergarten class, along with many other friends, have stepped up to the plate to help this family in a tangible way with their mounting medical bills. All of these supporters and helpers have been dubbed "Carly's Angels."

Her class holds a bake sale before school almost every week to raise funds for her care. One of her classmates, Jacob, is there every week with his mom Lisa, selling donuts, kolaches, muffins, and coffee for Carly's benefit. I have known Jacob since he was a baby; our kids have played often in one another's homes, and it is such a thrill to see him at the tender age of five years old volunteering his time to help a friend in need.

Another fundraiser will take place on Saturday, November 6 at 10:00 (registration is at 9:30). It is a one mile Fun Run (for me, a walk!). If you live in the D/FW area, this is a great opportunity to get your children involved in serving others, and have fun family time while doing so.

Mika and Macy have been told that Carly is very sick and that her parents need help paying for the hospitals and doctors, so our family is going to donate money and run/walk with all Carly's other friends and fans. The girls are most excited about the fact that after the run, pizza will be served, and face painting and balloon animals will be available. The park playground will be a great backdrop to join with the other participants to celebrate the money raised and support precious Carly in her battle with cancer.

Hope to see you there!

For more info on the Fun Run go to: or contact Anne White at

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